Wednesday, 29 February 2012

More about me.

If you don't want to read previous posts of mine (from my old blog) - that it perfectly fine. I don't blame you to be honest... It's not exactly the most thrilling read of all time. So I might as well start from the beginning with a brief overview...

Name: Danielle
Aka: Panzii (Panziix etc...)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Studying: BSc Forensic Science (Physical) at Nottingham Trent University
  • My PC <3
  • My consoles (PS3, 3DS, PSVita)
  • Gaming (is it that obvious already?) + betas
  • Eating...cake...snacks...nom noms =3
  • DevSoc
  • Sleeping
  • GameBreaker.TV (love you guys!)
  • (possibly more to come)
  • Mean people
  • Losing
  • Not-so-smart people (in a good way)
  • Exams
  • (possibly more to come)
So yeah... that is me in a nutshell - with future additions when I think of them.
I'm also thinking about starting a vlog but honestly have no idea where to begin... If anyone out there is reading this and has pointers and/or things for me to talk about - let me know.

Twitter: Panziix
Google+: Panzii

Thanks x

New Blog - New Start

Evening all~ Panzii here x

In a nutshell the title explain's everything... I'm starting a new blog to make it seem more generic and can really be about anything. I'll try and stay updated - but as you can see from my previous blog that it didn't really happen; but it's like with anything - people get busy!

Anyhoo~ here are some links to my previous blog posts if anyone is interested in reading them:
Okay! Lets get down to business...
Rift: All aboard the Yam train ~ Choo! Choo! ~
Life: Everyone comes from somewhere.
Rift: Oh great... /facepalm
So lazy already?
Sims 3: Back to basics.
Spiral Knights: Going down to the woods today?
Wii: The Kirby TV Channel ~ WooHoo!
Rift: Phase 4
Life: Self-confidence
Retro: Evil Zone (Eretzvaju)
Life: Merchandising Microsoft
Rift: Lucky Surprises
Rift: Crocnard Hunter

Thanks x