Friday, 24 August 2012

24/08/2012 - GW2: It's only a day away~

Well... more exactly it is less that 14 hours away... and that is still 14 hours too long!

Are you one of those nutty gamers that has stocked up on millions of snacks and energy drinks?
Sadly I'm not - I don't really eat at all while gaming, unless forced. I can easily go a whole day of gaming and then 10pm will arrive and I'll be like "Oh... I haven't eaten". (P.S. Not eating still doesn't mean you'll lose weight!)
It is also bank holiday weekend which means... *drum roll*... The whole damn family is here for the weekend... They'll want to go out and do stuff and make me socialise with the world and go see the village fair... Actually - I might go to the fair... There's pig racing... Little piggies racing! We're so cool!

But yes... Back to the topic at hand...

I saw a quote about GW2, the sad thing is that it's so true and made me giggle:
"Guild Wars 2 has been stress tested more than my belt after an all you can eat pizza buffet."
And after having another stress test yesterday and the game being constantly updated, I can easily say that this is a true comment... For that person... I don't wear belts o.o  Popping your button on your jeans is so the way it must be done =P

I guess I'll try and continue my GW2 guild preparations ready for tomorrow.
Playing in the EU? On Desolation? You can find me here:
I'll be posting my user name for the game on there tomorrow, so feel free to stalk me =)

Toodles x

Friday, 17 August 2012

17/08/2012 - GW2: You'll find me on...

Just over a week to go until GW2 starts their head-start event...
 Just over a week...

But anyhoooo~
When the fateful day FINALLY arrives you'll find me on the DESOLATION - EU server!

I'm staying on the EU servers again.. well... because 90% of my friends are there! It's that simple =D
Everyone who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 will enjoy three full days of Headstart Access. The three-day Headstart Access will officially begin at 0:00 AM Pacific time (GMT -7:00) on August 25th. However, please note that in order to ensure that we’re fully prepared for that fateful hour we may bring servers online up to 3 hours prior. If you’re a player committed to getting in first to grab that character name of your dreams you’ll want to be keeping an eye on things during that time period.
Also, according to this quote from GW2 the server's have the chance of opening up to 3 hours before the stated time... Which for those in the UK is 5AM! 5AM! >.<
The joy of waking up uber early to try and rush to get a popular guild name before everyone else... Character names? Nah - I don't mind not rushing to get the best names for them, guild names is where it's at!

Want to find me in-game? You'll be able to find me here first:

Toodles x

Thursday, 16 August 2012

16/08/2012 - AC III: Awesome Merch! [Hot off the press!]

This just popped up on my twitter!!!!

I wants them!

All night gaming-sesh in a AC III dressing gown + gloves?


Toodles x

16/08/2012 - Tera EU: So long and farewell!

So... It's been a fair few months since I've last posted. It's too easy to get side tracked and start doing something else in general. But as you can see from the title I have/am leaving Tera... I probably wouldn't be if I was playing on the awesome NA servers which are still pretty full of people - but sadly I decided to go for the local EU option which... well... seeing a few tumble-weeds go across my screen would be more fun than just doing dailies, not seeing/talking to anyone, and then logging straight out... /sigh

As a slight bonus!!!!
I did manage to get the pretty awesome Black Panther mount!... Which sadly just looks like a shaved lion dipped in oil... Nice.

I didn't manage to get T13 gear or 410 armorsmith either - who really wants to queue up for a dungeon for over 2 hours, to then probably get kicked straight away for not already having maxed T13 gear?! It's just ridiculous...

Let's all just wait a year and BOOM! Blade & Soul will be out!
Never heard of Blade & Soul?

Watch it! Watch it now!

It just looks a like a martial arts version of Tera... and the 'fast-paced' combat that everyone thought Tera was going to have... Until you played a Zerka...

Bored now... Leaving Tera means I currently have no games to play until GW2...
Any ideas? =P

Toodles x