Sunday, 27 May 2012

27/05/2012 - Tera EU: Y U NO HAVE CASH SHOP?

Thanks to Tera Junkies these images from the Korean Tera cash shop has come to my attention...

Dear Frogster... Please give us a cash shop! I want to look pretty... ='(

Even though Tera is a subscription based game... with these weapon skins... well... TAKE ALL MY MONEY!
I want them so bad =(

Toodles x


  1. Oh my lord.. I MUST TAKE ON THE WORLD WITH A PAIR OF SPANNERS! Please don't deny me my dream frogster D:!

    1. The spanners do look awesome! I think I'll enjoy chasing after Popori trying to play 'Wack-a-mole' with the bouncy hammmer! =D
